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Danny Fromajio is music composer from London, U.K.


A cheeky purveyor of stinky funking cheese grooves and smelly fun bucket melodies.


He contracted a rare brand of happy-go-lucky charm and kitschness on falling into a bubbling fondue as a nipper.


Subsequently Danny has lazily milked his copious ’cheese gifts’ to build a stunning catalogue of high class lounge music mainly for music library KPM.


His tongue-in-cheese probing features on the albums CheeseCore, CheeseCore Deluxe, CheeseCore Royale as well as Happy Now and assorted others.


His party trick involves hot knifes and raclette.


Danny’s rather unconvincingly named alter ego Daniel Teper also writes music but is much less fun at parties.

Danny's portrait by Laura Moreton-Griffiths

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