Released in 2011 Happy Now is a collaboration with long time cheese peddler Peter Hajioff.
Here are the original liner notes:
I really DO WANT a shiny red TRICYCLE, Mummy!' shrieked little Bobby King as he worked himself up into another one of his trademark 'lathers' the night before his third birthday.
It was a sign of things to come.
When his dream trike did not arrive the following day – or the following week, or year – his disappointment festered and grew until it became a deeply embedded feature of his very psyche.
Several years of explosive tantrums were to follow, each more severe than the last.
Sadly, Bobby's craving for three- wheeled fun was never to be fully satisfied, and developed into an all-consuming mania.
As little Bobby grew into a man – and, later, an assistant project manager for a small firm of quantity surveyors – he was able to hide his longings using craft and cunning.
He ambled through his life without letting his terrible hunger emerge from within its tightly wound cradle.
After the most comprehensive provision of expensive counselling and alternative therapies that she was able to come by, all to no avail, his long suffering and angelic mother for some reason finally relented....
After literally decades of epic struggle, a shiny red tricycle was indeed provided. From behind withered and bloodshot eyes she peered as Bobby somewhat suspiciously regarded the gift on the morning of his 53rd birthday.
As the vehicle emerged from its tattered wrappings, she could see his habitual insular paranoia transform into an awestruck surprise and then a wide-eyed, unfettered glee.
As he banged his thighs enthusiastically before immediately sporting himself away with a frenzied pedalling, his mother felt an exhausted and tarnished sense of spiritual completion.
She could hear him chortle and shout assorted and diverse nonsense as he manhandled his new toy around the lane. 'OK?' she muttered in a barely audible rasp,
'Happy Now?'
All of the tracks on this website and are available to download and license at EMI Production Music.
All are at MCPS production music rate.
Alternatively please contact Danny!
Musicians on Happy Now
Peter Hajioff
Electric Bass
Andy Hamill
Acoustic Bass
Laurence Corns
Bubu Canini
Roger Batting
Drums & Percussion
Justin Woodward
Jonty Bankes
Annie Whitehead
Paul Spong
Simon Clarke
Baritone Sax & Flute
Graham Hughes
Daniel Teper
Danny Fromajio
Keyboards & Moustache Twirling:
All composed and produced by Peter Hajioff and Danny Fromajio in North and South London
Additional recording by Tim Sanders and Chris Morphitis.
Reverb & Old Machines by Julian Moore
Cover Illustration by Kastruc